How do I keep the Snap and Grid modes from initializing on startup?
How do I keep the Snap and Grid modes from initializing on startup?
Open acad, set the toggles as you want them in "Drawing1.dwg" and Saveas to your default template file (acad.dwt or acadiso.dwt OOTB).
Unfortunately, that did not work. Both Snap and Grid modes still come on in Drawing1.dwg when I launch AutoCAD.
To check that you've saved to the correct template, pick File\New or type NEW and see which template file is highlighted.
edit - if you're working over network, do you have read/write permissions for the template folder?
Yes, I have admin rights to all drives. This is in my local C drive. See attached.
John, let me clarify....the dwt is fine. It's the initial Drawing1.dwg in start-up file that I cannot change. Any drawing file I have saved is fine. Any "New" drawing I create is fine.
Every time I open AutoCAD the first thing I have to do is turn off the snap and grid modes. Actually, I suppose this is okay. I like to have Drawing1 open for scratch purposes. If I launch AutoCAD from the desktop shortcut it opens Drawing1. If I immediately open an existing drawing it then shuts down Drawing1 and opens my existing drawing. By doing anything in Drawing1 like panning (or turning off the Snap and Grid modes) it keeps Drawing1 open and active when I open an existing drawing.
Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.
Last edited by rgomez.100934; 2010-11-05 at 11:39 PM.
What John is trying to tell you is to modify your template drawing to have the grid and snap variables turned off. Then save your template drawing. The grid and snap should then be off in future new drawings (i.e.: Drawing1.dwg).
If you have a technical question, please find the appropriate forum and ask it there.
You will get a quicker response from your fellow AUGI members than if you sent it to me via a PM or email.
FYI: When you start a new drawing *some* DWT file is used, unless you tell it to start with NO template.
If you run the ._Qnew command, then the template defined to start with QNEW is used.
If you run the ._New command, then you get a dialog to allow you to select a template.
In other words, you need to figure out what template you are using at startup and modify it/them.
R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |
R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |