Hello vba'ers,

Maybe you can help me.

I was trying to answer a question from a gentleman in France who was trying to store and retrieve data in a dictionary, so I cooked up a small example to show how to do it.

I hit a stumbling block with I got the getxrecorddata statement

objXRecordReturn.GetXRecordData XRecordDataTypeReturn, XRecordDataReturn
for some reason It is returning blanks.

DO any of you have a good module for this or can you tell me what is wrong with the following code?

Peter Jamtgaard

Option Explicit
Public Sub Test()
	Dim arrMyData(3) As Variant
	arrMyData(0) = "hello"
	arrMyData(1) = "There"
	arrMyData(2) = "jean"
	CreateDictionary "test7"
	CreateXRecords "test7", arrMyData
	ReadXRecords "test7"
End Sub
Private Sub CreateDictionary(strDictionaryName As String)
	Dim objDictionary As AcadDictionary
	On Error Resume Next
	Set objDictionary = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries.Add(strDictionaryName)
	Set objDictionary = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries.Add(strDictionaryName)
End Sub
Private Sub CreateXRecords(strDictionaryName As String, arrMyData() As Variant)
	Dim intIndex As Integer
	Dim objDictionary As AcadDictionary
	Dim objXRecord As AcadXRecord
	Dim XRecordData(0) As Variant
	Dim XRecordDataType(0) As Integer
	Set objDictionary = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries.Item(strDictionaryName)
	MsgBox "Storing XRecord Information: "
	For intIndex = 0 To UBound(arrMyData) - 1
		Set objXRecord = objDictionary.AddXRecord(CStr(intIndex) & "A")
		XRecordDataType(0) = 1
		XRecordData(0) = arrMyData(intIndex)
		objXRecord.SetXRecordData XRecordDataType, XRecordData
	Next intIndex
End Sub
Private Sub ReadXRecords(strDictionaryName As String)
	MsgBox "Retieving XRecord Information: "
	Dim intIndex As Integer
	Dim arrMyDataReturn(3) As Variant
	Dim objDictionary As AcadDictionary
	Dim objXRecordReturn As AcadXRecord
	Dim XRecordDataReturn(0) As Variant
	Dim XRecordDataTypeReturn(0) As Integer
	Set objDictionary = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries.Item(strDictionaryName)
	For intIndex = 0 To objDictionary.Count - 1
		Set objXRecordReturn = objDictionary.Item(CStr(intIndex) & "A")
		MsgBox objDictionary.Name & " Item: " & objXRecordReturn.Name
		objXRecordReturn.GetXRecordData XRecordDataTypeReturn, XRecordDataReturn
		MsgBox "XRecordDataTypeReturn: " & XRecordDataTypeReturn(0)
		arrMyDataReturn(intIndex) = XRecordDataReturn(0)
		MsgBox "XRecordDataReturn: " & XRecordDataReturn(0)
	Next intIndex
	MsgBox arrMyDataReturn(0) & " " & arrMyDataReturn(1) & " " & arrMyDataReturn(2)
End Sub