Can you tell me if I can install 2004 autocad in a new 64 bit computer.
Can you tell me if I can install 2004 autocad in a new 64 bit computer.
I was wondering if you ever found an answer to question?
Can Autocad 2004 be successfully installed on a Windows 7 with the 64 bit processor? I would like to install LD 2004 as well.
Apparently it can! Take a look at this
I think there may be some settings in Win 7 that might need to be taken into consideration. I remember when we were looking into running ACAD 2006 on Vista - there were settings in Vista that needed to be set correctly before it would work.
I know that 2004 was a good solid product, but why not upgrade to a true 64 bit program?
Why spend money if there's not up-side to your business operation? an SSD c: drive will get you a better bang - and the cost of buying a new 2012 seat is a lot more than a new pc w/ SSD. after all, there's no upgrade from 2004 -- you are just buying a new license.
There is not an automatic benefit to running a 64 - bit program. Unless you are creating/using larger files, then the choice between 32 vs 64 bit application doesn't matter all that much.
of course. most of my stuff is civil, with huge xref's attached, so I am lusting after a win7-64 w/ 24Gb RAM