Hi All
We were recently upgraded from "Vanilla" Autocad 2011 to Mechanical 2011 on a global licence. On starting to use Mechanical with the Vanilla profile ( did not want to go down this route but lost the battle!) I found that when I wanted to e-transmit I was not given the choice of what file format I wanted to send it as. This had always worked well on Vanilla. I contacted the support line & was told that if I was using the Vanilla profile I should get this option. Lots of e-mails & some phone calls & I have found a work around should this happen to anyone else.

Open the drawing you want to transmit & save as Auotcad 2010.
When you re open the drawing do it by double clicking the drawing rather than open Autocad then the drawing.

Now when you go to e-transmit you get the options. I have repeated this several times to make sure it is ok & seems to be.

The answer from Auotcad was to do with the registry files & changing & exporting them etc, not being that well up on that side of things I didn't want to try this in case it all went wrong!

Hope this may save someone esle a lot of heartache