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Thread: Pipe fittings doesn't respond to size change and doesn't match pipe size!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
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    Default Pipe fittings doesn't respond to size change and doesn't match pipe size!!!!!!!!

    Hi All,

    I am having a weird problem with the pipe fittings.

    For some reason when I draw a pipe and then turn 90 degrees, it creates the 90 degrees elbow but the elbow apears smaller than the pipe (I attached a pdf showing what I mean), and it also happens with the tee fitting, I am using the standard pipes fitting from revit and I did a previous project where I didn't have that problem, but the project that I am currently working on, I wasn't the one who set it up and our office got it from another office to continue working on it, so I tried looking in the settings of the file but couldn't figure out what is the problem. This problem only happens with pipes, ducts are fine. Also when I try to change the size of the elbows or tees the fitting size doesn't change visually, it only changes in the properties bar but it doesn't get smaller or bigger on the monitor and in the print out..

    Please let me know if you have an idea..

    Thanks to you all for the help.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Pipe fittings doesn't respond to size change and doesn't match pipe size!!!!!!!!

    Go into the Revit.ini file and fix the location of your LookUp Tables.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Pipe fittings doesn't respond to size change and doesn't match pipe size!!!!!!!!


    The location of the lockup tables is fine. I tried that before.
    Thanks for your response.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Pipe fittings doesn't respond to size change and doesn't match pipe size!!!!!!!!

    It most defiantly does have to do with your Revit.INI file.
    Double check it or have your IT department go over it closely.
    See this link.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Pipe fittings doesn't respond to size change and doesn't match pipe size!!!!!!!!

    I have this line in the Revit.ini
    LookupTableLocation=\\Sdg-altiris-01\IT\Autodesk software\mep2010-64\Content\LookupTables

    doesthis look right to you?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pipe fittings doesn't respond to size change and doesn't match pipe size!!!!!!!!

    Check the properties of the fitting that is giving problems and verify the lookup table file name exist in the look up table folder location defined in the ini. You said you got the files from another office is it possible they had a custom lookup table defined for the fitting?

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