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Thread: fatal error when generating sections or elevations

  1. #1
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    Default fatal error when generating sections or elevations

    i have been in contact with autodesk but no reply since monday.

    i have audited and i have purged unused. i have also made new local files and tried it on a number of machines in the office.

    when i either create a section of i try to open an existing section revit crashes with a fatal error.

    the only thing i can think of that i did differently was copy objects from one level to another. i have tried to unlink any cad files and revit models and still crash.

    today i just happened to try to erase all flexible ducts and did not get any fatal errors... this cant be due to my sections being cut all the while before with flexible duct in them. unless revit is becoming over loaded with flexible duct?

    any ideas or someone who has had similar problems would be great.


  2. #2
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: fatal error when generating sections or elevations

    How large is the base file? Have you tried looking/reading the journal file?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: fatal error when generating sections or elevations

    i have read through the txt of the errors and it doesnt say much about the elements or an element ID. however it does say something about:

    DBG_INFO: !gRepCutVisitor.hasBeenReallyCut() in FamInstGRepCutVisitor::cutGRep().: line 336 of .\Elem\FamInstGRepCutVisitor.cpp.
    ' 7:< DBG_INFO: !gRepCutVisitor.hasBeenReallyCut() in GRepCutVisitor::cutGRep().: line 1208 of .\Visitors\GRepCutVisitor.cpp.
    ' 7:< DBG_INFO: Not enough points in Hermite spline.: line 802 of .\GNodes\GHermiteSpline.cpp.
    ' 7:< DBG_INFO: Invalid input for intSurfWithComplexCurve.: line 3020 of .\SurfaceUtil.cpp.
    ' 7:< DBG_WARN: Error was found in intersectSurfWithCurve routing.: line 361 of .\Cliputils.cpp.
    ' 7:< DBG_WARN: Error was found in intersectSurfWithCurve routing.: line 361 of .\Cliputils.cpp.
    ' 7:< DBG_WARN: Error was found in intersectSurfWithCurve routing.: line 361 of .\Cliputils.cpp.
    ' 1.004699 3:<<UndoMgr::Raising DocumentChanged event

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