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Thread: Best way to "serve up" mapping data?

  1. #1
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    Default Best way to "serve up" mapping data?

    My client wants to show about 400 oil and gas locations throughout the province overlaying a topographical map. In addition, he may want to show areas of environmental risks, emergency response plans and other data. Problem is that he wants interactive data where he can turn on/off layers and customize what he sees, so he basically wants to be in control of the data.

    How do I produce something for him that he can filter himself? My thoughts are PDF, Google Earth or possibly Mapguide Viewer, although I don't have Mapguide.

    Is the "high end" version of Google Earth a possibility and if so, will he also need the pro version to use the data?

    I use AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011.

    Thanks in advance for your help,


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Best way to "serve up" mapping data?

    I see that Mapguide has now been replaced with Infrastructure Map Server. Has anyone used this? My client has also since indicated that he doesn't want to use Google Map for this so I think he wants something with a bit more "wow" factor.

  3. #3
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best way to "serve up" mapping data?

    Infrastructure Map Server is what the 2012 name for Map Guide Enterprise, I haven't used the new version but I don't think there is much different between it and the old version (2009-2011). Unless you have some web server experience and a web server you can install it on you may want to think of something else.
    How much control does the client want on what he sees? If just turning layers on/off then DWF or PDF with layers would work as long as you have have all the data. DWF over PDF is my "rathers" publish with the map data and they also have all the feature/object data they can search on as well.

  4. #4
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    Thumbs up Re: Best way to "serve up" mapping data?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jmurphy View Post
    Infrastructure Map Server is what the 2012 name for Map Guide Enterprise, I haven't used the new version but I don't think there is much different between it and the old version (2009-2011). Unless you have some web server experience and a web server you can install it on you may want to think of something else.
    How much control does the client want on what he sees? If just turning layers on/off then DWF or PDF with layers would work as long as you have have all the data. DWF over PDF is my "rathers" publish with the map data and they also have all the feature/object data they can search on as well.
    I haven't thought about dwf ... I will give that a try. It does look like Infrastucture Map Server is going to be a huge learning curve for me. I am running the 30 day freel trial right now. Thanks once again for your input - your experience is much appreciated.


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    Default Re: Best way to "serve up" mapping data?

    I did presentation using Google Earth (export via GE Publisher).
    I created requested data "on layers". I first exported text (from different layers and saved them with different names which I was able to turn on/off in GE). I also exported my line work and 3d model.
    Model, text, lines were saved as separate kmz files which allowed client to control what he wanted to see.

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