I'm building a crawler crane which is a nested family, and also has 2 rotating parameters included. This is my Forster nested family design for my company & it's not cooperating with me. The crane itself is pretty much completed with the tracks being one family, 3 bodies are another, and the boom another. The body consist of 3 seperate body types which can be swapped using the yes/no parameter.the boom has a parameter which flex the boom up & down, with a pivot point on the front of the bodies. the problem I'm having is when I add a parameter to rotate the bodies, the body will turn, but the boom will appear to detach itself from the crane and point downwards( mirrored from it's original vertically 45 degree position( almost as if it's exploding when I try to flex it). The rest of the crane remains. Can someone please help me figure this out, thanks!