Does anyone else have a problem with vertical justification? If I justify 2" high cable tray for example to a 9' offset it shows 8' 11" for the bottom and 9' 1" for the top. This is the same no matter if I choose top, center or bottom.
Does anyone else have a problem with vertical justification? If I justify 2" high cable tray for example to a 9' offset it shows 8' 11" for the bottom and 9' 1" for the top. This is the same no matter if I choose top, center or bottom.
I just tried what you describe and it works fine for me. My workflow is: select the Cable Tray command, set the tray height to 2", select the Justification button and change it to bottom, and then place. Once placed, I selected the tray, checked the properties and it is correct. I was in floor plan view. I am in RMEP2012 with the latest service patch. In the Justification dialog, you should not have any additional offset value.
Last edited by dennis howell; 2011-07-13 at 01:11 PM. Reason: another thought to add
OK. Got it figured out. After setting the values needed if you look in the properties it gives you incorrect information UNTIL the conduit or tray is modeled. After it is modeled it reports the correct info. Thanks for the reply though.