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Thread: Best Practice for Local File Use???

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to r.grandmaison's Avatar
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    Default Best Practice for Local File Use???

    I've read different opinions on the local file use and creation. I'm wondering what the best practice is for working in it. It seems that there are at least two ways to approach it:

    "A": I've read some opinions that the Local file, once created, should be the file that a user opens and synchs from...never opening the Central file to re-create a local file again. In this scenario the user really must Reload Latest from central and make sure, of course, to always resynch with central at regular intervals...and...

    "B": I've also seen some opinons that it's quite acceptable to open the Central file each time and then do the checkbox local file save each time and rewrite over any prior existing local file. Essentially never opening the saved local file from the local machine ever.

    I've also seen opinions about doing "A" most of the time, but maybe doing "B" once a week or so, along with auditing the Central file at that time.

    I can see benefits/problems with both approaches (most caused from user error probably!) and was wondering what all of you thought on the matter.


  2. #2
    AUGI Addict cdatechguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best Practice for Local File Use???

    I tell people every time they open revit to create a new local from the central file...if they close it then recreate the file. With 2011+ this is a simple task... So yes...B is the best option

    For A: This is insane, if it had been a while since your last sync and lots of people have been working your going to lock up the central file while trying to update the local. Save everyone time and create from the central that is already updated.
    Michael "MP" Patrick
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  3. #3
    All AUGI, all the time ajayholland's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best Practice for Local File Use???

    In my opinion the best practice for this will vary depending on team size and model complexity. Naturally you will want a new file if the local has been inactive for some time while work of other users has proceeded.

    The practice of "always" creating new local files is a hang-over from earlier times, and is a strategy to deal with untrained (or undisciplined) users. In 2011 and later, when browsing to the central file from the File>Open dialog, "Create new local" is the default mode. Most inexperienced users will overlook this.

    Also keep in mind that the file which is displayed on the Revit "recent files" panel is usually the local, and when opened with normal settings users are prompted to Synchronize with Central. When creating a new local users have the option to overwrite the current file, or to save it as a copy with time/date appended to the file name. I always recommend the 'save as copy' option as a safeguard against losing work in cases where the local is not synchronized.

    Lastly, when users open linked Revit files from the project browser (by 'right-clicking') it is usually the central that is opened.


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