Summary: Work features constrained to sketch geometry within an assembly.
Description: The current functionality with work features within an assembly is to only be able to reference them off solid geometry. With a part model you can constrain work features i.e. points, planes and axes to lines within a sketch. If this was also the case for an assembly it would allow for more stable creation of assembly features as the work features would not lose their references if a component was removed from a sub-assembly this would in turn not delete any contained sketch that may be referenced to a work plane.
This would also further the use of a top down/skeleton model techniques as it would allow any sketches or references to be pre-defined in a blank model where the sub-assembly could be later placed and the assembly cuts be produced from the existing sketches.
To then take this further the sketches within the assembly could be per-detailed on a drawing so the population of the model would then provide the final graphics for the drawing views.
Product & Feature: Inventor
Submitted: Thu, 17 Nov 2011