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Thread: Panelboard Circuit descriptions

  1. #1
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    Default Panelboard Circuit descriptions

    Filling out the circuit(CCT) description in circuit manager(CM) is not friendly.
    I should be able to select the device in the dwg and edit the cct description from there. That way I am looking at a device that is on that circuit and it is easy to see which area is served by it and what is connected.
    When you have the CM open, it covers some of the screen and it is a ton of back and forth betweent he CM and the dwg.

    A simply command line DESC (which all fit under the left hand nicely) would be issued. The prompt would show you the current description for that cct, then it should place that as the part you would type and have it highlighted so that if you jsut type, it overwrites, but if you want to edit it you can. It could pop up a dialog box with text hightlighted also. CMDDIA should control which way it works.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Panelboard Circuit descriptions

    Quote Originally Posted by jschultz View Post
    Filling out the circuit(CCT) description in circuit manager(CM) is not friendly.
    I should be able to select the device in the dwg and edit the cct description from there. That way I am looking at a device that is on that circuit and it is easy to see which area is served by it and what is connected.
    When you have the CM open, it covers some of the screen and it is a ton of back and forth betweent he CM and the dwg.

    A simply command line DESC (which all fit under the left hand nicely) would be issued. The prompt would show you the current description for that cct, then it should place that as the part you would type and have it highlighted so that if you jsut type, it overwrites, but if you want to edit it you can. It could pop up a dialog box with text hightlighted also. CMDDIA should control which way it works.
    You, my friend, have found (IMHO)the biggest problem with AMEP. It's worse if you have the panelboard on a different drawing (which almost all of ours are). You have to save/close the current drawing, open the drawing with the panelboard, make your changes to the descriptions (or add a circuit if you need one), save/close that drawing and re-open the original drawing. I have been wish-listing for on the fly circuit editing for years. CM is read only if the panelboard is not in the current drawing.

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    Default Re: Panelboard Circuit descriptions

    Before I changed to 64bit I had a VBA solution with excel that did all of what I do with AMEP now, but it was way faster. The file sizes were way smaller. But VBA and 64bit did not work well together. So I made the switch. I should have spent the time that I spent learning AMEP to learn a new programming language and update my own solution. If something does not get fixed soon I will have to. AMEP is so unproductive out of the box.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Panelboard Circuit descriptions

    Quote Originally Posted by jschultz View Post
    AMEP is so unproductive out of the box.
    Uhhhh..... no it's not. Just because the program doesn't do "exactly" (Heaven, forbid) what you need it to do doesn't mean it's unproductive "out of the box". I see it completely the opposite. AMEP is capable of an insane amount of productivity right out of the box.

    Please make sure you're very specific to give such direct faults.

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