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Thread: Problem: Revit custom revit.ini file linked to creation location in deployment image

  1. #1
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    Default Problem: Revit custom revit.ini file linked to creation location in deployment image


    Not sure if anyone else has noticed that Revit 2013 looks back to the original location that you loaded your custom revit.ini file during the installation of the file, even tho it's loaded into the deployment image.

    There is a version of the custom ini file located in the deployment image (<servername>\<deployment_location\AdminImage\CustomSettings) which will contain any customisations you made to the ini file.

    BUT if you have a look at the RevitCustom.log:
    => Get: SourceDir: \\<server2>\SMSPKGS$\AKL00620\AdminImage\x64\RST2013\
    => Looking for \\<server2>\SMSPKGS$\AKL00620\AdminImage\x64\RST2013\inifile.xml
    => Get: REVITINIDEPLOY: \\<server1>\packagingsource2$\Autodesk\Revit Structure 2013\AdminImage\CustomSettings\\Revit Structure 2013_Revit.ini
    => Setting CustomActionData for RvtWriteIni to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\aec4EC1.xml;\\<server1>\packagingsource2$\Autodesk\Revit Structure 2013\AdminImage\CustomSettings\\Revit Structure 2013_Revit.ini
    => Set: RvtWriteIni: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\aec4EC1.xml;\\<server1>\packagingsource2$\Autodesk\Revit Structure 2013\AdminImage\CustomSettings\\Revit Structure 2013_Revit.ini

    If you have a look in the RST2013-Revit Structure 2013.mst (\AdminImage\x64\RST2013) which is applied to the RST2013.msi:

    Under the properties table the locations of these files are hard pathed and not variable based on the deployment location:

    REVITINIDEPLOY \\<server1>\packagingsource2$\Autodesk\Revit Structure 2013\AdminImage\CustomSettings\\Revit Structure 2013_Revit.ini
    REVITINIUSERSOURCE \\<server1>\packagingsource2$\Autodesk\Revit Structure 2013\Revit.ini

    REVITINIDEPLOY = is the location i created the deployment
    REVITINIUSERSOURCE = the location where i loaded the custom revit.ini file from, this did change to the location of the different machine when i loaded it from the different machine as a test.

    So even tho Revit was being installed from server 2 it's referring to server 1 for the custom revit.ini file content, i'm not sure what else it's referencing from the original source location at the moment.

    Anyone else had this issue, or gotten around it without editting the msi?

  2. #2
    Active Member hermeytheelf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problem: Revit custom revit.ini file linked to creation location in deployment image

    Heath, I just replied to another thread that you were the latest member to post.
    Have you found a way around this yet? Did you move your custom .ini file and re-run your deployment on a new machine and found that it failed to apply the settings?

  3. #3
    Active Member hermeytheelf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problem: Revit custom revit.ini file linked to creation location in deployment image

    Also I have found that there is a long thread on wiki help about this with no real solution either

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