I had a problem here with some files.
We worked using AutoCAD 2011 and, as our partners generally don't use this version, we usually save our files as 2000.
Now, we have upgraded some machines to Autocad 2012 and some files (I can't say how much of then), when opened at 2012 version, presented some hatches, or blocks (lots of this) in the drawing. It seems to be some dirty elements. And the same file, opened again at 2011 version, does not present this.
I don't know what is happenig and neither how to resolv this. I tried to execute the comand Overkill at 2012 version and it doesn't worked. But at 2011 version, it resolved.
For me, it's a problem with the software (and it persists at 2013 version). Anyone had the same problem? or could Help me?
I have more than 1Tb in files that can present this trouble...
Thanks a lot!