Description: It would be great if the Actions options in Scripter included the ability to hide or unhide elements. This would make it possible to hide or unhide elements based on TimeLiner activities.

How Used: On of the biggest problems that I have with creating 4D models using TimeLiner is the inability to have different appearances for multiple objects tied to the same schedule activity. An example would be a crane being used to construct a steel structure. I would need the steel structure visible at the end of the activity, but not the crane. Currently, I can only attach a single task type to each activity, and I am bound to the end appearance of that task type for every element attached to the activity. So either they both stay, or they both go because both will have the same end appearance because both will have the same task type. In order to do what I need, I must add another activity just for the crane. This is not a good workaround because I will lose these activities if I resync my schedule. Project managers also don't like having to sort through a bunch of extra activities just for animations.

TimeLiner already has the ability add scripts from Scripter. If I had the ability to hide an object with Scripter, I would be able to hide it at the end of an activity and make its end appearance independent of the other items attached to the activity.

Feature Affinity: Increased funcionality and efficiency in Scripter and TimeLiner