Summary: Keep running osnaps from spastically jumping between several different points in the same vicinity. Also, make it snap to the nearest type of snap (eg. end, mid, cen, etc.) when there are more than one.
Description: Keep running osnaps from spastically jumping between several points in the same vicinity. This is especially problematic when I think I've got the snap locked onto a particular point I want and I make the pick only to see the snap jump to one of the other locations it had been jumping between and select that one. This is such a waste of time that it just about negates the benefit of having running osnaps at all.
Also, it seems to always snap a point type that is farther away than the one under my cursor. e.g. If a long line is under my cursor as well as other short lines it will snap to the end of the long line which is farther away instead of snapping to the end point of the shorter that is right under my cursor. To snap to the point I want I am forced to enter a snap override at the command prompt. This is a very serious waste of time as commands must be undone when the wrong snap point is supplied. One step forward, two steps back.
Product and Feature: AutoCAD - Snaps
Submitted By: Henry Francis on Sun, 17 Jun 2012