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Thread: Removing the double list pairs

  1. #1
    Active Member
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    Default Removing the double list pairs

    Exactly this is how i need List 1 = ((0 0) (1 0.1) (2 0.1) (3 0.1) (4 0.2) (5 0.2) (6 0.3) (7 0.3))

    First of all the list given above can vary every time secondly i want to seprate the list for same cdr elements and store them to a variable Like i want like this and all the List with similar cdr element and make a list which contain all these values.

    List A = (0 0)

    List B = (1 0.1) (2 0.1)(3 0.1)

    List C = ............................etc


  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict
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    Default Re: Removing the double list pairs

    How would you like your variables named? Also are you fine with having them as global variables (i.e. possibly overwriting something else)?

    If so, you could use some code like this:
    (setq List1 '((0 0) (1 0.1) (2 0.1) (3 0.1) (4 0.2) (5 0.2) (6 0.3) (7 0.3))
          n 0)
    (foreach item List1
      (setq var (chr (+ (rem n 26) 65))
            m (/ n 26)
            n (1+ n))
      (while (> m 0)
        (setq var (strcat (chr (+ 65 (rem m 26))) var)
              m (/ m 26)))
      (set (read (strcat "List" var)) item))
    Just note, that I'd advise against doing this. Global variables should be kept to an absolute minimum as they can very easily cause other things to suddenly crash at unexpected times.

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