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Thread: CADmep addin for converting Revit Files into .ITM items

  1. #1
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    Default CADmep addin for converting Revit Files into .ITM items

    Does any one know and if so, how soon, a revit or CADmep addon will be created for the 2013 versions of Revit or CADmep ?
    Reason for question is " heard of an addon called REVIT CONVERT that was availible for 2012 versions. "

    Trying to figure out how soon this may or may not occur.

    I'm not strong in CAD but enjoying learning REVIT so as to assist in project management/performance roles vs. daily drawing creations.
    Our company has a 3rd licencse that hasn't gotten CADmep yet and trying to decide about planting the seed now for 3rd
    seat to take my CADmep so that I could us FABmep instead.

    Seeking to truly build a working library withing CADmep to cover ~ 80% of our everyday work in order to build models that could in addition to being coordinated, be strongly connected to prefab and cost control / productivity functions as well.

    Any input would be appreciated. 1st post.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: CADmep addin for converting Revit Files into .ITM items

    Yes, there is a revit addin that is installed when you install FabMep, but not CADmep.
    if you have FabMep installed, you can go to it's installation folder into the Revit sub-folder. open the .addin file with notepad or something and make sure the path in there for the assembly tag is correct for the RVTFabExchange64-2013_Export.dll file, then do a save-as and save it to <ProgramData>\Autodesk\Revit(+Verision?)\Addins\2013\. then just start up revit, should be good.

    on a seperate note, there's also a plugin in labs for importing map software designs back into revit, though it needs a lot of work. worth a look to provide input if you might be using such a tool, or wanting a tool like this:

  3. #3
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    Default Re: CADmep addin for converting Revit Files into .ITM items

    First, consider as a seriously focused forum for all things FAB/CAM/CAD/EST related until AUGI forums catch up or catch on.

    Contact the folks at for further information or use the blog to contact the originators of it all.

    Andy Robins has stated:

    "The future is bright and I look forward to sharing it with all our customers; those who have been dedicated to MAP Software for years, and those who are only just experiencing what our products can do. My relationship with you all hasn't, and won't, change - so feel free to email me!"

    Back to your question.

    The Revit to CADmep export is available, to my knowledge. Yes, it uses FABmep for the process.

    Going back to Revit with a FABmep model is under control of

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