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Thread: Labeling puzzle

  1. #1
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    Question Labeling puzzle

    This involves attaching label to multiple objects from an external database. I may be missing something, however, attaching labels to objects apparently is only possible one at a time. I need to attach Parcel numbers to 37,000 + parcel centroids. Selecting all records and all centroids results in all parcel #s attached to eacc centroid. It would be really great if the labeling routine would attach only the data from the appropriate linked record.


  2. #2
    100 Club JeremiahM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Labeling puzzle

    What are you using to create the label? I do this often using the Map Annotation tools with no problems. It might also be a link issue, are you sure that all of your parcels are connected to only one field in the DB? You should be able to accomplish this through and "alter properties" query.


  3. #3
    AUGI Addict Glenn Pope's Avatar
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    Default Re: Labeling puzzle

    Hi lholt

    Please note I have moved this thread from the Map Wish List forum to this one. I think JeremiahM is on the right track and that you can already do this. Making it a question instead of a wish.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Labeling puzzle

    I thought I had weighed in on this conversation but do not see my post. My county has about 29000 parcels and I think Annotation would work better but I have not delved into using it yet. What I do is quick and simple and is not as fancy. I have the parcel centroids created with the PIN text as an attribute and import it from a shape file as text in the DWG. Then I drag the MDB with the tax data into project space and link the PIN field from the linked DB to the PIN of the text. You have to define a link template and then generate links, using the select all. Then you may label on any linked field beside the parcel number. You may already know this, but if not I would be happy to give more detail.


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