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Thread: "Cannot open local and central model in same session"

  1. #1
    Certified AUGI Addict patricks's Avatar
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    Default "Cannot open local and central model in same session"

    Just a moment ago I used Insert Views From File to bring in a schedule from another project. I chose the project, and chose the schedule from the view list. Shortly after that, I tried to open that other project to copy/paste some stuff to my current project. For some reason Revit thought that other project's central file was still open, and gave me the message that the local and central file could not be open in the same Revit session.

    Is there any fix for this other than closing out of Revit completely and reopening?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: "Cannot open local and central model in same session"

    Quote Originally Posted by patricks View Post
    Just a moment ago I used Insert Views From File to bring in a schedule from another project. I chose the project, and chose the schedule from the view list. Shortly after that, I tried to open that other project to copy/paste some stuff to my current project. For some reason Revit thought that other project's central file was still open, and gave me the message that the local and central file could not be open in the same Revit session.
    Rinse and repeat. Revit 2014.

    Quote Originally Posted by patricks View Post
    Is there any fix for this other than closing out of Revit completely and reopening?
    Judging from the overwhelming response... apparently not.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: "Cannot open local and central model in same session"

    Open and detach from central. Save back as new central file.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: "Cannot open local and central model in same session"

    I had never run across this before, but it happened to me today, under the same circumstances as the O.P. And yeah, still apparently no other fix than closing Revit or detaching. I'm going to post this on the Autodesk forum so at least it's there and someone might see it. Not that they'll do anything about it, but worth a try anyway.

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