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Thread: BD12-2: Advanced Architectural Desktop Techniques

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    Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk University's Avatar
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    Default BD12-2: Advanced Architectural Desktop Techniques

    Instructor: Paul Gold

    Class Description: For those who have already mastered the fundamentals of Autodesk® Architectural Desktop, this tutorial will delve deeper into its more arcane aspects. Learn how to leverage the display system, using object representations and properties, for control of the 3D model and its orthographic views. Enhance the wall object through interference conditions, sweep profiles, modifiers, endcaps, merging, and cleanup control. Create custom styles for curtain walls, window assemblies, structural members, stairs, railings, slabs, and roofs. Augment linked sections and elevations by editing and merging linework, and with custom components and design rules. Harness the power of schedule data with style-based property sets, data formats, and tables.
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