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Thread: duplicate view with detailing

  1. #1
    AUGI Addict MikeJarosz's Avatar
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    Default duplicate view with detailing

    I'm confused.

    My main building model has a level one, and I have a design option for interior fitouts. To create a sheet, I duplicated the level one view with detailing. I opened the duplicated view and made the design option current along with the design option view. I dragged this onto a border and made a sheet. I now have two views of level one: in the model, and a duplicate view on the sheet. The sheet looks correct, at least when I first made it.

    Here's where the confusion comes in. I always thought that "duplicate with detailing" created a "dead" copy. Changes made to the original would not appear in the duplicate view after it was created. On the other hand, if I activate the duplicate view on the sheet and add work there, it is supposed to update the original view. This is a one-way update: copy to original, but NOT original to copy. My recollection is that I learned this a long time ago in Revit 6.0. Am I totally wrong, or has the function of "duplicate with detailing" changed over the years?

    On my current project, changes to the model are appearing on the sheets. I thought duplicate dependent was intended for that purpose. Where am I going wrong here?

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time CADastrophe's Avatar
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    Default Re: duplicate view with detailing

    If you make a change to the Model, it will be reflected in ALL Views, since Views are basically a window through which the database is filtered. Any model changes, regardless of the View in which they are made, will change the database, which in turn changes the other Views.

    On the other hand, Annotation Elements are View-specific, and unless the View is a Dependent View, all changes to Annotation Elements are confined to this View. ("Annotation Elements" does not mean any element belonging to a Category under the "Annotation Categories" tab - such categories as "Matchlines" and "Section" will be affected as though they are model elements.)

    If you are working with Design Options, you not only have to make sure that the View's V/G Overrides are correct, but you must also ensure that the correct Design Option is active before adding new elements. This is controlled easily by a drop-down list on the bottom status bar.

    Does any of that help?

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