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Thread: QTO 2013; Is anyone successfully using it?

  1. #1
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    Default QTO 2013; Is anyone successfully using it?

    We have had significant issues using QTO 2013. QTO constantly crashes, we see this happen when importing a Revit model as wells as a 2d pdf takeoff. In most cases, it corrupts the data file so we loose many hours of work.

    Is anyone using QTO without these problems?

    Lew Heifner

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QTO 2013; Is anyone successfully using it?

    I can't even get it to load dwf files from Revit 2013. It's so bad for me that I can't get to where you are...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: QTO 2013; Is anyone successfully using it?

    I am not convinced that anyone is using QTO 2013 problem free. We have now resorted to doing a save followed by a "save as ....01, ....02, ....etc."

    Anyway, still waiting to hear from someone who is successfully using QTO.....

  4. #4
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    Default Re: QTO 2013; Is anyone successfully using it?

    Last Friday I had a QTO expert in our office for a troubleshoot / debug session. We were working off of local files on the c: drive.

    Is it possible the file corruption is due to a network issue and the software crashing is due to software bugs? I wonder if we are chasing problems from 2 different sources and we are looking in one direction only?

    If the network crashes are causing the corrupt files, the software should be smart enough to recover. When I have noticed the data corruption, there is no recovering from it. I have Windows Explorer open at the same time as I am working with QTO so I can view the file size. When I see a 50mb files suddenly save as a 100kb file, I know there is a problem and obviously a lot of data is missing. My initial intent was to watch the file size and then perform a "save as" to attempt to reinstate file integrity. QTO will allow the "save as", however, any additional files are also corrupt and 100kb.

    As it stands now, I am the only person in our office using QTO and on a limited basis until we can resolve these problems. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how we can determine if the network is or is not the problem?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: QTO 2013; Is anyone successfully using it?

    We have proved the network is not the issue. I was using QTO with local data files and experienced. the same issues.

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