I am a basic Autocad user, by this I mean, I am self taught and know how to do what I need to which is pretty basic stuff. So please... Be gentle. Ok, a "government agency" is requiring me to submit info to them in shapefile format. Their wording.. ".... should be represented as a closed, non-overlapping polygon with the associated feature attributes...." Supposedly, there is a .prj file associated with this. In just playing around, the MapExport command can generate a .shp, but I am curious to know where does this .prj come into play and what do you think they mean by "... use an unprojected WGS84 coordinate system..." and have minimum horizontal accuracy of +/- 40 feet conforming to 1:24K national mapping standards. I do set up a WGS84 system when I bring in my county provided maps and everything is laid out to 5280 units is a mile. So I dont bug anyone to death, is there somewhere I can go and learn how to do .shp file generation and this .prj attachment??