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Thread: leader landing extention

  1. #1
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    Default leader landing extention

    hi, im trying to create a leader using LISP. my goal is as shown in leader2.png.

    the attached LISP makes the one in leader.png.

    so my issues are replacing the dot to comma decimal separator and the leader length.

    please share if you have any ideas on how to do this best.

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  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict
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    Default Re: leader landing extention

    Probably not related, but shouldn't pt on line 167 be ptl?
      (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list pt))) ; to stop while command
    There's not other reference to pt in your code.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: leader landing extention

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Beauford View Post
    Probably not related, but shouldn't pt on line 167 be ptl?
      (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list pt))) ; to stop while command
    There's not other reference to pt in your code.

    actually I only copied some existing code and modified to fit my liking. I tried changing it to "ptl" and it works just fine.
    now, i can't find the variable to change to make the decimal separator into comma. and that landing length too.
    i hope someone can point me into the right direction.



  4. #4
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    Default Re: leader landing extention

    Change DIMDSEP to a comma to make the decimal separator into comma.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: leader landing extention

    thanks for the response.

    dimdsep only affects the texts for dimensions. texts for the leaders are not affected.

    i've already created a workaround for the comma issue.

    the remaining problem is how to make the landing look like the one in leader.png.

    any suggestions?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: leader landing extention

    Couldn't get the styles part working on my PC maybe because of differences in our setups.
    Modified leader2.lsp with (styles) commented out attached. It requires qlset.lsp (Frank Whaley, Autodesk) attached as well.
     ;;--------------------------------------Sub Function to Create Styles-----------------------------------------------------
    ; (load "leader2.lsp") vc
    ;|    (defun Styles()
        ;create text Style
        (if (not (tblsearch "style" "Gen-Text")) (command "-style" "Gen-Text" "Arial.ttf" "A""yes" "No" 2.5 "1" 0 "n" "n"))
        ;create dimension style
        (if (not (tblsearch "DImstyle" "Dim Arrow Ann"))
               (command "dim" "style" "Gen-Text"
                "DIMADEC"     0
                "DIMALT"      0
                "DIMALTD"     2
                "DIMALTF"     1.00
                "DIMALTRND"   0.00
                "DIMALTTD"    2
                "DIMALTTZ"    0
                "DIMALTU"     2
                "DIMALTZ"     0
                "DIMASZ"      3
                "DIMATFIT"    3
                "DIMAUNIT"    0
                "DIMAZIN"     0
                "DIMBLK"      "_CLOSEd"
                "DIMBLK1"     ""
                "DIMBLK2"     ""
                "DIMLDRBLK"   "_closed"
                "DIMCEN"      0
                "DIMCLRD"     1
                "DIMCLRE"     1
                "DIMCLRT"     2
                "DIMDEC"      2
                "DIMDLE"      0.00
                "DIMDLI"      1.00
    	    "DIMDSEP"     ""
                "DIMEXE"      1.50
                "DIMEXO"      1.50
                "DIMFRAC"     0
                "DIMGAP"      1.00
                "DIMJUST"     0
                "DIMLFAC"     1000.00
                "DIMLIM"      0
                "DIMLUNIT"    2
                "DIMLWD"      0
                "DIMLWE"      0
                "DIMRND"      0.00
                "DIMSAH"      0
                "DIMSCALE"    1.00
                "DIMSD1"      0
                "DIMSD2"      0
                "DIMSE1"      0
                "DIMSE2"      0
                "DIMSOXD"     0
                "DIMTAD"      0
                "DIMTDEC"     0
                "DIMTIH"      0
                "DIMTIX"      0
                "DIMTM"       0.00
                "DIMTMOVE"    0
                "DIMTOFL"     0
                "DIMTOH"      0
                "DIMTSZ"      0.00
                "DIMTVP"      0.00
                "DIMTXSTY"    "RomanS"
                "DIMTXT"      2.50
                "DIMZIN"      0
                "DIMFIT"      5 /e)
              (command "dimstyle" "An" "y" "Dim Arrow Ann" "S" "")
            ) ;progn
          ) ;if
     ) ;defun
    ;;-------------------------------------------Set Datum-----------------------------------------------------
    (defun C:dat (/ num op sta pga stb pgb)
            (command "cmdecho"0)
            (command "ucs" "w")
     ;;; input station
            (if (not nf-ns) (setq nf-ns 0.000))    ; default number
            (setq NUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter station <" (rtos nf-ns 2 3) ">: ")))
            (if (not num) (setq num nf-ns) (setq nf-ns num))
       ;;; input pgl
            (if (not sf-ss) (setq sf-ss 0.000))    ; default number
            (setq SUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter profile datum <" (rtos sf-ss 2 3) ">: ")))
            (if (not sum) (setq sum sf-ss) (setq sf-ss sum))
       ;;; set orign point
            (setq op (getpoint "\nPick datum orgin point: "))
            (setq sta (car op))
            (setq pga (cadr op))
            (setq stb (- sta num))
            (setq pgb (- pga sum))
            (command "ucs" "m" (list stb pgb 0))
            (prompt "\nOrigin moved to new loaction - Enter Command vc to place Text")
    ) ;defun
    ;;-------------------------------------------Place Text----------------------------------------------------
    (defun C:VC (/ *error* enp1 ex ey dy ptl e TextObj vlText)
    	 (defun *Error* (msg) ; embedded defun
    	   (setvar "clayer" clay)
    	   (acet-ql-set (list(cons 67 vrtcs)))		;reset maximum # of points to previous value
    	   (if (/= s "Function cancelled")
    	     (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
             (command "cmdecho"0)
             (setq clay (getvar "clayer"))
             (or acet-ql-get (load "qlset.lsp"))
             (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Text Coordinate")) (command "-LAYER" "N" "Text Coordinate" "C" "7" "Text Coordinate" "LT" "Continuous" "Text Coordinate""LW" "0.15" "Text Coordinate" ""))
    ;         (Styles)
             (command "CLAYER" "Text Coordinate")
    ;         (command "-DIMSTYLE" "r" "Dim Arrow Ann")
              (setq enp1 (getpoint "\nPick Coordinate point: ")
    		  ELstr (strcat "EL.=" (rtos(cadr enp1) 2 3))
    	 (setq vrtcs (cdr(assoc 67(acet-ql-get))))
    	 (acet-ql-set '((67 . 2)))				;set maximum # of points to 2
    	 (princ "\nmaximum # of points = ")
    	 (princ (cdr(assoc 67(acet-ql-get))))
    	 (princ "\nMText width (word wrap) (default=1) = ")
    	 (princ (cdr(assoc 68(acet-ql-get))))
    	 (princ "\nSpecify leader start point:")
    	 (if(= 1(cdr(assoc 68(acet-ql-get)))); prompt for MText width (word wrap) (default=1)
    	   (command "qleader" enp1 PAUSE "0" "VERT. C.V." ELstr "")
    	   (command "qleader" enp1 PAUSE "VERT. C.V." ELstr "")
    	 (princ "\n(logand 1 (getvar "cmdactive")) = ")
    	 (princ (logand 1 (getvar "cmdactive")))
    	 (while (= 1 (logand 1 (getvar "cmdactive")))
    	   (command (getstring T "Enter Leader Text: "))
    	 )  ;null responce exits text
    	 (acet-ql-set (list(cons 67 vrtcs)))		;reset maximum # of points to previous value
    ) ; defun
    ;;----------------------------------------Back to UCS World-----------------------------------------------------
    (defun C:uw ()
            (command "ucs" "w")
            (prompt "\nUCS Origin is set to World")
    ) ; defun
      qlset.lsp - example initialization of QLEADER settings
      Frank Whaley, Autodesk
      Two functions are included in this file:
      Returns an association list containing the current QLEADER settings from the
      Named Object Dictionary.
      (acet-ql-get <alist>)
      Sets the specified values for QLEADER settings from the given association
      Returns an association list containing the new values.
      These functions can be used to examine the current QLEADER settings, or to
      initialize the setting before using the QLEADER command.
      For example, to use splined leaders and framed text:
      (acet-ql-set '((65 . 1)(72 . 1)))
    Both functions use the following group codes to identify QLEADER settings:
      3: user arrowhead block name (default="")
     40: default text width (default=0.0)
     60: annotation type (default=0)
         1=copy object
     61: annotation reuse (default=0)
         1=reuse next
     62: left attachment point (default=1)
     63: right attachment point (default=3)
         0=Top of top line
         1=Middle of top line
         2=Middle of multiline text
         3=Middle of bottom line
         4=Bottom of bottom line
     64: underline bottom line (default=0)
     65: use splined leader line (default=0)
     66: no limit on points (default=0)
     67: maximum number of points (default=3)
     68: prompt for MText width (word wrap) (default=1)
     69: always left justify (default=0)
     70: allowed angle, first segment (default=0)
     71: allowed angle, second segment (default=0)
         0=Any angle
     72: frame text (default=0)
    170: active tab (default=0)
         1=Leader Line & Arrow
    340: object ID for annotation reuse
    (defun acet-ql-get (/ xr cod itm reply)
      (if (setq xr (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "AcadDim"))
          (foreach cod '(3 40 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 170 340)
            (if (setq itm (assoc cod xr))
              (setq reply (append reply (list itm)))))
        '((3 . "")
          (40 . 0.0)
          (60 . 0)
          (61 . 1)
          (62 . 1)
          (63 . 3)
          (64 . 0)
          (65 . 0)
          (66 . 0)
          (67 . 3)
          (68 . 1)
          (69 . 0)
          (70 . 0)
          (71 . 0)
          (72 . 0)
          (170 . 0))))
    (defun acet-ql-set (arg / cur prm)
      ;;  fetch current
      (setq cur (acet-ql-get))
      ;;  override per argument
      (while arg
        (setq prm (car arg)
              arg (cdr arg)
              cur (subst prm (assoc (car prm) cur) cur) )
        ;;  handle DIMLDRBLK
        (if (= 3 (car prm))
          (setvar "DIMLDRBLK" (cdr prm))))
      ;;  put back
      (dictremove (namedobjdict) "AcadDim")
      (setq cur (append '((0 . "XRECORD")(100 . "AcDbXrecord")(90 . 990106))cur))
      (dictadd (namedobjdict) "AcadDim" (entmakex cur))
    ;;  load quietly

  7. #7
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    Default Re: leader landing extention

    thanks tom. i'll ty this one. i will post the completed LISP later.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: leader landing extention

    hi, this is the code I managed to come up to change the decimal symbol into commas. I dont know how to apply your suggestion for the leader though.

    ;;--------------------------------------Sub Function to Create Styles-----------------------------------------------------
        (defun Styles()
        ;create text Style   
        (if (not (tblsearch "style" "ROMANS")) (command "-style" "ROMANS" "ROMANS.ttf" "A""yes" "No" 2.5 "1" 0 "n" "n"))
        ;create dimension style
        (if (not (tblsearch "DImstyle" "Dim Arrow Ann"))
               (command "dim" "style" "ROMANS"
                "DIMADEC"     0
                "DIMALT"      0
                "DIMALTD"     2
                "DIMALTF"     1.00
                "DIMALTRND"   0.00
                "DIMALTTD"    2
                "DIMALTTZ"    0
                "DIMALTU"     2
                "DIMALTZ"     0
                "DIMASZ"      2.5
                "DIMATFIT"    3
                "DIMAUNIT"    0
                "DIMAZIN"     0
                "DIMBLK"      "_CLOSEd"
                "DIMBLK1"     ""
                "DIMBLK2"     ""
                "DIMLDRBLK"   "_closed"
                "DIMCEN"      0
                "DIMCLRD"     1
                "DIMCLRE"     1
                "DIMCLRT"     2
                "DIMDEC"      2
                "DIMDLE"      0.00
                "DIMDLI"      1.00
    			"DIMDSEP"     ,
                "DIMEXE"      1.50
                "DIMEXO"      1.50
    	        "DIMFRAC"     0
                "DIMGAP"      0.0
                "DIMJUST"     0
                "DIMLFAC"     1000.00
                "DIMLIM"      0
                "DIMLUNIT"    2
                "DIMLWD"      0
                "DIMLWE"      0 
                "DIMRND"      0.00
                "DIMSAH"      0
                "DIMSCALE"    1.00
                "DIMSD1"      0
                "DIMSD2"      0
                "DIMSE1"      0
                "DIMSE2"      0
                "DIMSOXD"     0
                "DIMTAD"      0     
                "DIMTDEC"     0
                "DIMTIH"      0
                "DIMTIX"      0
                "DIMTM"       0.00
                "DIMTMOVE"    0
                "DIMTOFL"     0
                "DIMTOH"      0
                "DIMTSZ"      0.00
                "DIMTVP"      0.00
                "DIMTXSTY"    "ROMANS"
                "DIMTXT"      2.50
                "DIMZIN"      0
                "DIMFIT"      5 /e)        
              (command "dimstyle" "An" "y" "Dim Arrow Ann" "S" "")
            ) ;progn
          ) ;if
     ) ;defun
    ;;-------------------------------------------* error *-----------------------------------------------------
    (defun trap1 (errmsg)
               (setq *error* temperr)
               (setvar "clayer" clay)
               (prompt "\n error")
    ) ;defun
    ;;-------------------------------------------Set Datum-----------------------------------------------------
    (defun C:dat (/ num op sta pga stb pgb)
            (command "cmdecho"0)
            (command "ucs" "w") 
     ;;; input station
            (if (not nf-ns) (setq nf-ns 0.000))    ; default number
            (setq NUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter station <" (rtos nf-ns 2 3) ">: ")))  
            (if (not num) (setq num nf-ns) (setq nf-ns num))
       ;;; input pgl
            (if (not sf-ss) (setq sf-ss 0.000))    ; default number
            (setq SUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter profile datum <" (rtos sf-ss 2 3) ">: "))) 
            (if (not sum) (setq sum sf-ss) (setq sf-ss sum))
       ;;; set orign point
            (setq op (getpoint "\nPick datum origin point: "))
            (setq sta (car op))
            (setq pga (cadr op))
            (setq stb (- sta num))
            (setq pgb (- pga sum)) 
            (command "ucs" "m" (list stb pgb 0))
            (prompt "\nOrigin moved to new location - Enter Command vc to place Text")
    ) ;defun     
    ;;-------------------------------------------Place Text----------------------------------------------------
    (defun C:VC (/ enp1 ex ey dy ptl eyt eyh eny enyt enyh e eyhdv eyhd TextObj vlText)
             (command "cmdecho"0)
             (setq clay (getvar "clayer"))
             (setq temperr *error*)
             (setq *error* trap1)
             (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Text Coordinate")) (command "-LAYER" "N" "Text Coordinate" "C" "1" "Text Coordinate" "LT" "Continuous" "Text Coordinate""LW" "0.15" "Text Coordinate" ""))
             (command "CLAYER" "Text Coordinate")
             (command "-DIMSTYLE" "r" "Dim Arrow Ann")  
     (setq ptlist nil) ; for while command
              (setq enp1 (getpoint "\nPick Coordinate point: "))
    		  			(setq eyh (fix(*(/ (cadr enp1) 100) 100)))
    				(setq enyh (rtos eyh 2 0))
    					(setq eyhd (*(- (cadr enp1) (fix(* (/ (cadr enp1) 100) 100))) 100))
    				(setq eyhdv (rtos eyhd 2 0))
    				(setq ptl (getpoint "\nPick text location: "))
    				(SETVAR 'DIMTAD 0) ; Justification centered
    				(SETVAR 'DIMLDRBLK "_closed") ;; leader arrow
    				(command "leader" enp1 ptl "" (strcat "VERT. C.V.")
    											  (strcat"EL.="enyh","eyhdv) "")
    				(command "pline" ptl "l"20)
    				(setq TextObj (entlast))
            (setq vlText (vlax-ename->vla-object TextObj))     
            (vlax-put-property vlText 'backgroundfill :vlax-true)  ; background mask
             (SETVAR 'DIMTAD 0 ) ; Justification centered 
             (setvar "DIMLDRBLK" "CLOSED") ;;leader arrow
             (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list ptl))) ; to stop while command  
         ) ;progn  
       ) ;while   
    ) ; defun			 
    ;;----------------------------------------Back to UCS World-----------------------------------------------------
    (defun C:uw ()
            (command "ucs" "w")
            (prompt "\nUCS Origin is set to World")
    ) ; defun
    (princ "\nLisp Commands:DAT(to set Datum point),UW(Ucs World),vc(to Coordinate text)")
    Last edited by Wanderer; 2013-02-27 at 02:26 PM. Reason: code tag added

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