I have to file a map with Federal Comm Commission and here are some requirements they want:
Each area I submit (polygon) must come with" identifying feature attributes" and sent in as a .shp file. These attributes are mainly just text descriptors, name, state, reference number. Also, when I export this, it has to come with an accompanying .prj file.
Simply, I am taking a county inside a state and drawing an area that we serve. I have 16 areas to create. I have created the area (loaded drawing with NAD83 coordinates then brought in county info as county roads and boundarys) I then drew my area on a separate layer as it pertains to the county info. I plan on locking/turning off the layers I use as reference points, then do an export on only the layers I want to send.
To set up these "identifying feature attributes", I take it I will need to store my text info a particular way in the .dwg so it will appear in the .shp as an attribute. How do I do that? I need some handholding here. My overall understanding of AutoCad is fairly limited to just basic 2D drawing and some notes I refer to to load .shp with database info.
Have 2012 MAP.