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Thread: Exporting to SHP with attributes

  1. #1
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    Default Exporting to SHP with attributes

    I have to file a map with Federal Comm Commission and here are some requirements they want:

    Each area I submit (polygon) must come with" identifying feature attributes" and sent in as a .shp file. These attributes are mainly just text descriptors, name, state, reference number. Also, when I export this, it has to come with an accompanying .prj file.

    Simply, I am taking a county inside a state and drawing an area that we serve. I have 16 areas to create. I have created the area (loaded drawing with NAD83 coordinates then brought in county info as county roads and boundarys) I then drew my area on a separate layer as it pertains to the county info. I plan on locking/turning off the layers I use as reference points, then do an export on only the layers I want to send.

    To set up these "identifying feature attributes", I take it I will need to store my text info a particular way in the .dwg so it will appear in the .shp as an attribute. How do I do that? I need some handholding here. My overall understanding of AutoCad is fairly limited to just basic 2D drawing and some notes I refer to to load .shp with database info.

    Have 2012 MAP.

  2. #2
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Exporting to SHP with attributes

    For the "attributed data" you need to create Object Data tables and attach the records to the entities, then when you export select the data tab and click on the object data table you created. Is may seam difficult but is easy once you created a few. As for the .prj file make sure you assign a coordinate system to the drawing. The help/tutorials should get you to creating the OD data and assigning a coordinate system. If you need help then post back.

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    Default Re: Exporting to SHP with attributes

    Thanks Jmurphy, I kept on investigating and I see exactly what you are talking about.

  4. #4
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Exporting to SHP with attributes

    Quote Originally Posted by dlh340951 View Post
    Thanks Jmurphy, I kept on investigating and I see exactly what you are talking about.
    Your welcome, post back when you need help.

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