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Thread: ED15-1: Compelling Classroom Management Techniques for Educators Using AutoCAD 2006

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    Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk University's Avatar
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    Default ED15-1: Compelling Classroom Management Techniques for Educators Using AutoCAD 2006

    Instructor: J.C. Malitzke

    Class Description: If you teach AutoCAD in a high school or college, then this class is for you. With the release of AutoCAD 2006 and other Autodesk 2006 products, most educators are implementing this software in their curriculums for fall 2005 or spring 2006. In this class, you'll learn about the most compelling CAD management techniques for installation, locking down the AutoCAD desktop, essential contents of a template file, AutoCAD profile creation, plotting and page set ups, personal script files, and creating new title blocks using fields. We'll explore the new features from both a technical and pedagogical point of view.
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