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Thread: CV31-1L: Cost-Effective Visualization Techniques with Autodesk Civil 3D

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    Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk University's Avatar
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    Default CV31-1L: Cost-Effective Visualization Techniques with Autodesk Civil 3D

    Instructors: Natan Elsberg and David Blanchette (Assistant); Jessica Montoya (Assistant)

    Class Description: This hands-on session will introduce users to visualization techniques available right out of the box in Civil 3D and VIZ Render. 3D design and modeling have now become an integral part of the everyday design process in Civil 3D. We'll learn how to take advantage of the 3D model in Civil 3D to easily create visualizations which can be beneficial for internal design review as well as for presentation to project stakeholders, authorities, and public review boards. This session will take a practical approach and introduce techniques which allow the Civil 3D user to incorporate visualization as part of the standard project workflow.
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