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Thread: CV41-3: Mastering Corridor Transitions and Superelevation with Autodesk Civil 3D 2006

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    Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk University's Avatar
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    Default CV41-3: Mastering Corridor Transitions and Superelevation with Autodesk Civil 3D 2006

    Instructors: Michael Choquette and Phillip Zimmerman

    Class Description: The depth, flexibility, and automation of Civil 3D 2006's corridor system make it a must for anyone tackling complex rail and highway designs. This course will consider methods of applying horizontal and vertical transitions and superelevation controls by examining the alignment, profile and corridor systems in depth. This class will benefit civil engineering professionals, CAD/IT managers, and even project managers and DOT/MOT personnel interested in learning about the power of Civil 3D for complex design projects.
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