Instructors: Robert Salvatora - P. J. Dick Incorporated and David Magid (Co-Speaker); Dennis DiPalma (Co-Speaker)
Class Description: The problem with accounting systems is that they are, by their nature, backward looking They document last month's bills, and may be as much as 60 days behind what's happening on the jobsite (e.g. a potential change order discovered today does not hit the ledger until the change is authorized a few weeks later) Even larger exposures may be committed to the project as pending changes or anticipated items, but don't show up on standard accounting ledgers Information project managers, project executives, and owners need the ability to predict the project’s work and commitments Cost Management lets you see these items in their proper context -- you track the impact of pending change orders and other pending cost commitments as they occur, in real time, on the jobsite See how PJ Dick, an ENR top 100 general contractor, has deployed Constructware cost management to drive performance across the company’s project teams