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Thread: Two Plus: Monitoring Needs for Process Plant Design

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to CEHill's Avatar
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    Question Two Plus: Monitoring Needs for Process Plant Design

    Does anyone find that using more than two monitors useful/more efficient for process plant design work than a dual monitor setup?
    At work, I currently have two Samsung SyncMaster P2770 and know that the Nvidia Quadro FX4800 graphics card in my Dell Precision T7500 workstation can support up to four monitors!


    CAD Systems Operation and Management
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    Default Re: Two Plus: Monitoring Needs for Process Plant Design

    All our modellers use two monitors, mind you we are a Bentley house but that should not make any difference. In fact it enhances the modellers ability to work in the 3D world even using paper space/model space

  3. #3
    Certified AUGI Addict jaberwok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Two Plus: Monitoring Needs for Process Plant Design

    I no longer work in engineering (or anywhere else) but my primary pc at home has three 22" HDTVs as monitors and I would now be lost with only two or less.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Two Plus: Monitoring Needs for Process Plant Design

    Consider field of view. With two decent-sized widescreen monitors on my desk, they extend almost to where I can readily see with both eyes (give it a try - look at one monitor, close one eye at a time and see what's visible). If this were a 3-monitor set-up, I'd be working off the center monitor with about the outer half of each of the other monitors effectively unusable. I'd have to turn my head to see those parts. A 2 wide x 2 high set-up might be workable, but I'd be tilting my head back frequently to better focus on the top row. Again, not ideal.

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