I have a AcDbline in the model-space And I have add a curstomized persistent reactor to it,Now I want to realize that:
When I copy the line ,then make the new line have the same persistent reactor attched to it.
i.e the new persistent reactor class is :
class AsdkObjectToNotify : public AcDbObject
virtual void copied(const AcDbObject* dbObj, const AcDbObject* newObj);
I have override the copied function ,but found newObj is in read - only state.I cann't make it writeable I have tried.
I have think that May I can use other reactor class to accomplish that
i.e AcEditorReactor ,AcDbDatabaseReactor ...
but found all the function 's paramter is const- qualified. I cann't write the object as parameter.
So will method may help me ?
>>>Editing :
I FOUND ARX.chm said
"Transient reactor attachments to the original object are not copied to the new object, but persistent reactor attachments are."
But I have test it,following the above sample, The newly AcDbLine Copy don't copy the original Line's persistent reactor.