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Thread: "Import detected no valid elements in the file's paper space. Do you want to import from the model space?

  1. #1
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    Default "Import detected no valid elements in the file's paper space. Do you want to import from the model space?

    I am trying to link the millwork for a project which was drawn in autoCad architecture 2013 and link that file directly to a sheet in revit 2013. I have everything drawn in model space and the layout in paper space as I normally would. However when I go to link the autocad file i get this error message "Import detected no valid elements in the file's paper space. Do you want to import from the model space?"

    I have read that other people are having this issue and none of the other solutions (clicking yes, saving to 2010 or lower, saving as FBX, ...) are working for me. I have also tried making a new file and re-drawn all elements, and I am still getting the same error message.

    Any solutions or work arounds for this problem would be great!
    Last edited by thomasmerrittgibson397439; 2013-07-05 at 03:56 PM. Reason: More info

  2. #2
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    Default Re: "Import detected no valid elements in the file's paper space. Do you want to import from the model space?


    Hi! You can check and make sure the AutoCAD file isnt inserting very small in a corner of your revit drawing. You can also try hitting the "Reveal Hidden Elements" (small light bulb button at the bottom of your screen) to make sure its not "Frozen". I have seen that message but I just hit the button to install from model space and it works for me.

    Good luck!


  3. #3
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    Default Re: "Import detected no valid elements in the file's paper space. Do you want to import from the model space?

    It sounds like Revit is looking to match AutoCAD Paper Space to the Revit Sheet and it is not finding anything.

    The way that I understand it - when linking from AutoCAD, Revit initially attempts to match elements in AutoCAD Model Space to Revit Views and AutoCAD Paper Space to Revit Sheets.

    In this instance, I believe that the workaround would be to either link this data into Revit views which will then be placed on sheets or move it to Paper Space in the AutoCAD file prior to linking.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: "Import detected no valid elements in the file's paper space. Do you want to import from the model space?

    From everything I have found it sounds as if this is the case.

    The problem I don't understand is that I have Paper Space set as to how I would like it to appear on the Revit sheet, and Revit still says that there is nothing in Paper Space and asks if I want to use Model Space when I try and link the CAD file

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