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Thread: Corrupt AutoCAD dwgs

  1. #1
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    Angry Corrupt AutoCAD dwgs

    Hello everyone,
    My name is Greg and I work for a large company based in Manchester.

    This is my first time in one of these forums and I have had to come in because of a very annoying problem with some .DWG files.

    I have Architectural desktop 2004 and when I go to "file, open" and select the offending files I get a preview in the preview window but the file will not open.

    I have tried inserting the file as a block and also as an Xref but to no avail,

    I have also tried to view them in volo view DWF viewer but they just refuse to oipen.

    I have attached the files and hope to the Lord somebody in here can help me.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Corrupt AutoCAD dwgs

    Hi Greg

    Please not I have moved this thread from the ASK the BOD Forum to this one as I feel this particular Forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.

    Thanks, Mike

    Forum Moderator

  3. #3
    Moderator arcadia_x27's Avatar
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    Default Re: Corrupt AutoCAD dwgs

    I have tried without succes to recover your drawings, they appear to be too damaged to salvage, The AutoCAD recover command when run allows the drawings to be opened but all geometry in them is lost when this process is used. My only other suggestion is to try opening the drawings in Adobe Illustrator (which will read AutoCAD Drawings) and see if the geometry can be recovered that way. Ive used this method on a couple of occasions and its worked, but theres no guarantees.

  4. #4
    Administrator richard.binning's Avatar
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    Default Re: Corrupt AutoCAD dwgs

    Quote Originally Posted by arcadia_x27
    I have tried without succes to recover your drawings, they appear to be too damaged to salvage, The AutoCAD recover command when run allows the drawings to be opened but all geometry in them is lost when this process is used. My only other suggestion is to try opening the drawings in Adobe Illustrator (which will read AutoCAD Drawings) and see if the geometry can be recovered that way. Ive used this method on a couple of occasions and its worked, but theres no guarantees.
    Good work Jason,

    Greg, I believe that these drawings are completely worthless. I too went through the steps to recover the files and there are no recoverable entities found in the drawings. I don't believe any other software will be able to recover them either. Can you request a new copy of the files from the author? That will probably be your best solution.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Corrupt AutoCAD dwgs

    Thanks everyone for attempting to help me with this problem, Unfortunately I am the author and I will need to re-measure the offending property.

    Thanks again everyone !

  6. #6
    All AUGI, all the time
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    Default Re: Corrupt AutoCAD dwgs

    Do you have *.bak files of these drawings? If so, you could try to recover those.

  7. #7
    AUGI Director cadpoobah's Avatar
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    I have been covering disaster recovery in the TIPniques column in our monthly HotNews. In the February issue I discuss autosave files. Not sure if you've hunted for them yet.

    Next month, I plan to dig more into "intensive care" issues, which this seems to be. Sounds like you've tried some of the typical techniques: Recover, insert.

    Some other ideas would be to attempt opening in another CAD package, such as Microstation or IntelliCAD. They are sometimes more "tolerant" in what they consider a critical error. I tried IntelliCAD on these drawings, but had no luck.

    I also tried Autodesk's Batch Drawing Converter and tried to convert the drawings back to R14. No luck.

    If anyone else has any other "intensive care" suggestions, I'm sure Greg would appreciate them. (And I'll give you credit in the March HotNews article!!!)

  8. #8
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Corrupt AutoCAD dwgs

    Quote Originally Posted by cadpoobah
    Some other ideas would be to attempt opening in another CAD package, such as Microstation or IntelliCAD. They are sometimes more "tolerant" in what they consider a critical error. I tried IntelliCAD on these drawings, but had no luck.

    No joy with Microstation V7 or V8.

    Have a good one, Mike

  9. #9
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    Angry Re: Corrupt AutoCAD dwgs

    Thanks everyone for the help with this problem, I will have to go back to the site and create the survey again. !!!!
    Greg Hall.
    Site surveyor/CAD technician.
    EC Harris LLP
    The Royal Exchange,
    M2 7EH

    Tel: +44 (0) 161 214 0344
    Mob: +44 (0) 7970 173793
    Fax: +44 (0) 161 214 0215

    EC Harris LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England, registered number OC304988, registered office Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LX. A list of the members' names is available for inspection at the above office.

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