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Thread: Area without a closed polyline

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  1. #1
    Wish List Administration
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    Default Area without a closed polyline

    Summary: Find the area of any enclosed area/region without being or creating a closed polyline.

    Description: Find the area of any enclosed area/region without being or creating a closed polyline.
    Any lines that intersect create a closed area. By selecting those elements (or inside them), you should be able to create a region or just find the area that they encompass.

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - 3D

    Submitted By: Rick Witt on 08/01/2013

  2. #2
    Wish List Administration
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    Exclamation Re: Area without a closed polyline

    Area without a closed polyline

    Summary: Find the area of any enclosed area/region without being or creating a closed polyline.

    Description: Find the area of any enclosed area/region without being or creating a closed polyline.

    Any lines that intersect create a closed area. By selecting those elements (or inside them), you should be able to create a region or just find the area that they encompass.

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - Drawing Tools 2D

    Submitted By: Rick Witt on 08/01/2013

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