I'm running a fully updated AutoCAD 2013 64 SP2, on Windows 7 64 SP1 with full Windows Updates.
Computer is an Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8.0GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000 (with latest drivers).
Paging file is set at min. 2.8 MB, max. 5.6 MB, per advice from here.
Hardware acceleration is on, but the problem is the same with H.A. off.
I keep Properties, Layer and XREF palettes open all the time on a second monitor.
All Windows 7 fancy-graphics themes are turned off, AutoCAD is run in classic mode. WSCommCenter.exe is disabled in the registry, so no AD360 stuff ever pops up.
Virus Scanner is Avast!, I don't have the ability to make it ignore individual .DWG file types, but it is set to exclude AutoCAD.
All files being worked on are held on a networked server, but these problems remain even if I'm working on a file stored locally.
I turned off AUTOCOMPLETEMODE, ROLLOVERTIPS, PROPERTYPREVIEW, HIGHLIGHT, and various other AutoCAD features that require a lot of 'thinking.'
About a week ago, I noticed three things:
1. Holding down SHIFT and drawing a window to deselect objects works, but it takes 10+ seconds to work and you can't see the selection window while its operating, so it's useless.
2. Typical commands like COPY, MATCHPROPERTIES, MTEDIT, etc. take a very long time to occur.
3. God help you if you type in a command wrong, you might as well get up and get a coffee while AutoCAD realizes no such command exists.
4. AutoCAD shuts down without providing the option to save a recovery file at random, usually after switching to a different program and back to AutoCAD, then entering any command.
If anybody has some advice for dealing with these issues, I'd like to hear it, and turn this thread into something future users can find and use. Let me know what else I can provide to narrow things down. I'll save a dump file the next time AutoCAD crashes.