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Thread: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

  1. #1
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Unhappy Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    AutoCAD 2013, using "find and replace" on a bunch of blocks using wild-cards.
    It's finding everything ok, but instead of replacing the text I want, it adds to it?

    I have a bunch of elevation datum (blocks) with various elevations and I want to change them to read "SEE PLAN".

    For example, a block starting with:

    EL. 100'-0"

    I use "find": EL. *

    And then "replace with": EL. SEE PLAN

    I get: EL. SEE PLAN 100'-0"

    This happens for all the blocks I select or in entire drawing.
    What am I missing?
    I'm not sure if it's an issue with my Acad 2013, I haven't used find and replace with wild cards with it before today.


  2. #2
    Administrator BlackBox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    Have you tried Lee's Batch Find & Replace Text routine?
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  3. #3
    Certified AUGI Addict cadtag's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    Is the string you are trying to replace an attribute, an attribute linked to a field, or something else?

  4. #4
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackBox View Post
    Have you tried Lee's Batch Find & Replace Text routine?
    Thanks BB,
    Lee Mac is freakin' awesome!

    However... I loaded the routine and tried it, and am having an issue with wild-cards, it wouldn't do anything with it.
    I was able to type in all the various elevations and put them in the list, and replace them with the "see plan" and it worked great.

    So this was a help, but not sure why the wild-card thing is an issue.

    My OOTB "find and replace" with wild-cards will find everything, but when replacing the desired text, it just adds to it.
    Lee's routine works great, but didn't accept wild-cards, in otherwords it processed the drawing but no changes made.

  5. #5
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    Quote Originally Posted by cadtag View Post
    Is the string you are trying to replace an attribute, an attribute linked to a field, or something else?
    It's an attribute within a block

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    Administrator BlackBox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    Quote Originally Posted by tedg View Post
    Thanks BB,
    Lee Mac is freakin' awesome!

    However... I loaded the routine and tried it, and am having an issue with wild-cards, it wouldn't do anything with it.
    I was able to type in all the various elevations and put them in the list, and replace them with the "see plan" and it worked great.

    So this was a help, but not sure why the wild-card thing is an issue.

    My OOTB "find and replace" with wild-cards will find everything, but when replacing the desired text, it just adds to it.
    Lee's routine works great, but didn't accept wild-cards, in otherwords it processed the drawing but no changes made.
    No need for wildcard... Just replace "EL. " with "EL. SEE PLAN " and done... BFIND can process any layout, MText, Attributed Blocks, Dimensions, or an entire directory, etc. at your preference. Lemon squeezy.
    "How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."

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  7. #7
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackBox View Post
    No need for wildcard... Just replace "EL. " with "EL. SEE PLAN " and done... BFIND can process any layout, MText, Attributed Blocks, Dimensions, or an entire directory, etc. at your preference. Lemon squeezy.
    I believe I do need/want a wild-card because I have a lot of these blocks with different elevations I want to change at the same time.

    Yes, Lee's routine is awesome and does way more the OOTB find and replace does,..
    ..but shouldn't I be able to use a wild-card instead of type each different condition where a wild-card used to work?

  8. #8
    Certified AUGI Addict cadtag's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    Intersting, i tried playing around your scenario, and am getting the same results. replacing EL: 12.34 and using the wildcard EL: * as the pattern, and EL: SEE PLAN leaves the 12.34 at the end of the resulting string. That may be an 'as designed' feature, but it's still a bug, in that it does not work as expected.

    I could use the pattern EL: ##.##, and that let me replace the 12.34 with SEE PLAN, but that's still not ideal - one expects the '*' to mean 'from this place to the end of the string", and it doesn't.

    Good thing Lee Mac has a better mousetrap....

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    Quote Originally Posted by tedg View Post
    I believe I do need/want a wild-card because I have a lot of these blocks with different elevations I want to change at the same time.

    Yes, Lee's routine is awesome and does way more the OOTB find and replace does,..
    ..but shouldn't I be able to use a wild-card instead of type each different condition where a wild-card used to work?
    Forgive me in advance if I've misunderstood you here... But methinks you're simply substituting one string (i.e., "EL. "), for another (i.e., "EL. SEE PLAN "), in which case, no, you do not need the wildcard within the 'Find what' string... Consider the arguments for the VL-STRING-SUBST function as an example.

    This effectively changes multiple strings such as "EL. 100'-0\"", "EL. 175'-3\"", "EL. 231'-8\"", and "EL. 256'-1\""... To "EL. SEE PLAN 100'-0\"", "EL. SEE PLAN 175'-3\"", "EL. SEE PLAN 231'-8\"", and "EL. SEE PLAN 256'-1\""


    BFIND Dialog configuration:

    BFIND Dialog options:


    "How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."

    Sincpac C3D ~ Autodesk Exchange Apps

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  10. #10
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find and Replace is NOT "Replacing" but adding to it??

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackBox View Post
    Forgive me in advance if I've misunderstood you here... But methinks you're simply substituting one string (i.e., "EL. "), for another (i.e., "EL. SEE PLAN "), in which case, no, you do not need the wildcard within the 'Find what' string...

    Yes you are mistaken, and you're forgiven

    I have a drawing (or two) that have section views, with elevation tags (in the form of blocks with attributes) which have different elevation values and some text.

    I want to "find" all the various elevations and replace them with SEE PLAN.

    I have done this before and it should work with an asterisk wild-card, I wasn't sure if there's a bug in 2013 as Cadtag mentioned.

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