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Thread: Pop out Tabs for Multiple Monitors

  1. #1
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    Default Pop out Tabs for Multiple Monitors

    Summary: I wish I could drag a tab to my second browser, so I could have a plan on one screen, and a door schedule on the next.

    Description: Autodesk followed Internet browsers to tabbed Navigation, but didn't quite make it as easy to use. I wish I could drag a tab to my second browser, so I could have a plan on one screen, and a schedule on the next.

    You could drag and drop your tabs to pop out of autocad, and then lock these tabs to reference, much like the original window.

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD Architecture - Display System

    Submitted By: Ben Fruehling on 10/31/2013

  2. #2
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    Exclamation Re: Pop out Tabs for Multiple Monitors

    Pop out Tabs for Multiple Monitors

    Summary: I wish I could drag a tab to my second browser, so I could have a plan on one screen, and a door schedule on the next.

    Description: Autodesk followed Internet browsers to tabbed Navigation, but didn't quite make it as easy to use. I wish I could drag a tab to my second browser, so I could have a plan on one screen, and a schedule on the next.

    You could drag and drop your tabs to pop out of autocad, and then lock these tabs to reference, much like the original window.

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - Layouts

    Submitted By: Ben Fruehling on 10/31/2013

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Pop out Tabs for Multiple Monitors

    I split my screen in two viewports. This way I can have one side for reference and one side for "work". Often, I have my plan on my right screen in the right viewport and my elevation I am working on in the left viewport in the left screen. Therefore, I don't see the need to add more features. Many times, there are already options in the software to answer some wishes. It comes down to Learning the software and be creative with the use of it. We should start a thread to share unusual ways to use commands. We would be surprised to learn all these tricks!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Pop out Tabs for Multiple Monitors

    I asked for a similar thing in the following thread

    and this thread looks like also asking for same thing

  5. #5
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    Exclamation Re: Pop out Tabs for Multiple Monitors

    Pop out Tabs for Multiple Monitors

    Summary: I wish I could drag a tab to my second browser, so I could have a plan on one screen, and a door schedule on the next.

    Description: Autodesk followed Internet browsers to tabbed Navigation, but didn't quite make it as easy to use. I wish I could drag a tab to my second browser, so I could have a plan on one screen, and a schedule on the next.

    You could drag and drop your tabs to pop out of autocad, and then lock these tabs to reference, much like the original window.

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - Layouts

    Submitted By: ben.fruehling341598 on 10/31/2013

  6. #6
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    Exclamation Re: Pop out Tabs for Multiple Monitors

    This wish has been reported by a member.

    This thread is closed to further posts while the request is being reviewed by administrators.

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