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Thread: Remove Child from a Parent Style

  1. #1
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    Default Remove Child from a Parent Style

    Is there anyway to remove a child from a parent syle. I was creating some standard styles and then relized that the ones I were editing were associated to a parent style. I would rather not have that confusion and just have the label style be independent.

    Anyone know of a way to remove this.

    I have attached an image of the styles I am trying to move.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Administrator Opie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Remove Child from a Parent Style

    You could copy the child style to a new drawing. Afterwards, delete it from your original drawing. Once that is removed, copy the style back from the new drawing.

    That should do what you want to do.

    Also, the Civil 3D Styles Library forum is more for sharing Civil 3D Style libraries. I have moved your question to the Civil 3D General forum.
    If you have a technical question, please find the appropriate forum and ask it there.
    You will get a quicker response from your fellow AUGI members than if you sent it to me via a PM or email.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Remove Child from a Parent Style

    Looks like you can't import styles with grabbing the parent along with it.

    I tried doing both options outlined below.

    Import a style through the MANAGE tab then IMPORT. Doing it that way grabbed the parent along with it.

    Imported the style to a new drawing. Delete the parent and child style in the template file. Then did a drag and drop option and I still grabbed the parent and created that along with it.

    Hate to think I need to recreate this whole style just do it isn't associated to the parent style.

  4. #4
    Administrator BlackBox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Remove Child from a Parent Style

    From the online documentation (2013, 2014):

    Dragging Items between Drawings or Templates


    If you drag a label style with one or more child styles from one drawing to another, only the selected style is copied into the drawing; the child styles are not copied. If you copy a child style into another drawing, the parent style is also copied.

    Dragging Items within a Drawing

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  5. #5
    Administrator Opie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Remove Child from a Parent Style

    Thanks BB for the additional info. I was going by assumptions. We see how that worked out.
    If you have a technical question, please find the appropriate forum and ask it there.
    You will get a quicker response from your fellow AUGI members than if you sent it to me via a PM or email.

  6. #6
    Administrator BlackBox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Remove Child from a Parent Style

    Quote Originally Posted by Opie View Post
    Thanks BB for the additional info. I was going by assumptions. We see how that worked out.
    No worries; I'm happy to help.

    I think implementing the ability to 'upgrade' a child Style would be a great wish list item, and will pass it along to the Civil 3D product team (if it hasn't been already). thumbsup.gif
    "How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."

    Sincpac C3D ~ Autodesk Exchange Apps

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