I would appreciate any critiques on how my command
1. Acquires the desired layer ;<----- I'm sure there is a better way to do this that I don't understand/know
2. Decides whether to use the annotative blocks / scales.
3. General formatting.

I should say that most of our projects are non-annotative (for now, although I'm trying to change that)


(defun anno-manual-set (/ oanno)
  (if (not anno)(setq anno "N"))
  (setq oanno anno)
  (if (= (setq anno (getstring (strcat "\nis drawing annotative? <"oanno">: ")))"")
    (setq anno oanno))
  (setq anno (strcase anno))

  (princ (strcat "\nis drawing annotative? \"" anno"\""))
    (if (/= anno "Y")
	(if (/= anno "N")
	    (alert "\nPlease specify \"Y\" or \"N\"")
	    (setq anno oanno)

(defun anno-set (/ oanno)
  (if (not anno)

(defun c:tp (/ bn bs sp1 rl cclayer) ; bn=block name / bs = block scale

  (setq cclayer (getvar "clayer"))
  (setq bn "SPIN-IN")
  (setq bs (getvar "Dimscale"))
  (if (= anno "Y")
      (setq bn "SPIN-IN_ANNO")
      (setq bs 1)

  (setq sp1 (getpoint "\nspecify point for single line tap: "))
  (if(/= sp1 nil)
      (command "laymcur" sp1)
      (setq rl (getvar "clayer"))
      (setvar "clayer" cclayer)

      (command "-insert" bn "s" bs "r" 0 sp1)
      (command "Change" (entlast)  "" "P" "LA" rl "")
      (command "rotate" (entlast) "" "non" sp1 pause)