
I am using Revit 2014 with several linked files that are updated on a regular basis. It seems that I have to chose, either have the wrong colors export into AutoCAD, or have my line types not export correctly. I have gone into the Modify DWG/DXF Export Setup and changed all the color id's to suit our needs. I have gone into the lines category and made sure those settings were correct as well. So after much frustration of them still not exporting into the right color, I have (as suggested) changed Export layer options set to Export all properties BYLAYER, but do not export override. however, now my centerlines for my grid and other dashed lines export as continuous. Is it possible that these are my only 2 choices? or is there some way I can have Revit export the correct line type and the correct color? I have been trying everything I can think to do, choosing all the options in the Custom display settings for the links. I thought I had my settings worked out so I can have my Export Settings on Export category properties BYLAYER and overrides BYIDENTITY, however, now some of the leaders are appearing red though it says by layer and the layer is set to the correct color (253).