The Situation: We have demo sheets and new construction sheets. Demo sheets need to be annotated in the Keynote Legend with the Keynote Value being alpha characters, ie: "A, B, C ..."; new construction sheets need to be annotated with the Keynote Value being numeric characters, ie: "1, 2, 3". Likewise, we differentiate General Notes (alpha characters) from Drawing Notes (numeric) on new construction drawings.
The Problem (see note below for specific info about attached file): Generally speaking, when annotating keynotes "by project", Revit allows me to use the Keynote Value alpha characters, ie: "A, B, C ...". But when I switch to keynotes "by sheet", the the Keynote Value ID bubble on the sheet shows "1, 2, 3 ...." even though the keynote TXT file is populated with "A, B, C ... " notes. What am I doing wrong with Revit that prevents me from having the Keynote Value as alpha character notes "by sheet"? Or is this a Revit glitch that has not been called out?
*** Note that the attached OOTB file uses the CSI format for notes; the keynote value should remain as in the file, ie: 1000, etc. Revit will not keep the "1000, 1001, etc.; it forces 1, 2, 3, etc. when keynotes are "By Sheet".
I have tested this whole concept with an "out-of-the-box" keynote legend file from AutoDesk, which I have attached (incidentally, I deleted most of the file because the default file size was above 102.4kb which is the limit on this forum for TXT files).