Summary: show the volume off a solid object.
Description: show the volume off a solid object.
Product and Feature: Navisworks Manage - Data Tools
Submitted By: Wim De Winter on 10/22/2014
Summary: show the volume off a solid object.
Description: show the volume off a solid object.
Product and Feature: Navisworks Manage - Data Tools
Submitted By: Wim De Winter on 10/22/2014
Navisworks doesn't work with solids, it effectively "skins" the objects in triangles for performance reasons. That makes dynamic calculation of volume inaccurate. I would suggest ensuring the objects in question have a volume property from the originating software.
This is a massive restriction for us:
The fact that it can't get volumes from 3D Solids
That it skins 3D objects which makes sectioning hard to visualise when comparing objects.