Earlier this week I wanted to model a part that would fit a specific Hex nut. (Think captive nut).
I know that the way to "x-ref" something is via the derive command. ( I am using an autocad analogy). Anyway, can someone give me some pointers?
Earlier this week I wanted to model a part that would fit a specific Hex nut. (Think captive nut).
I know that the way to "x-ref" something is via the derive command. ( I am using an autocad analogy). Anyway, can someone give me some pointers?
guys, is it not possible or am I asking a dumb question?
Let me re-write my question to hopefully help you guys help me:
I want model a feature into a part based on a component (a nut) that is in the Content Center. I understand the concept of derived parts. I also see a button to "Insert Feature" from Manage > Insert and while this pulls up the Content Center, I only see features and not the pipes and hardware etc. How can I use those as reference geometry when making part?
crullier, Can I derive a part from the content center? No, not directly, because the content center contains no Models. When you insert a part out of the Content Center, the CC will create a model out of a database. If you want to use this model, let's say a Nut, first place in an assembly the appropriate Nut from the content center with the 'As Custom' option. Save this file. Now you can use this saved model to derive.
Hope this works for you.
Actually, yes, you can, if the part has already been generated and exists within the Content Center Files.
From within a part, click Derive. In the Open dialog, click on Content Center Files (under Libraries) in the Workspace pane at left, and navigate to the part and select it.
I am guessing that you know the rest...
For some reason I cannot attach any screenshots... Sorry...