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Thread: Session 4: The Mass Family Editor Finally Explained!

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    Default Session 4: The Mass Family Editor Finally Explained!

    Instructors: Marcello Sgambelluri, John A. Martin & Associates

    Class Description: The conceptual mass family editor, revamped in Revit Architecture/Structure/MEP 2010, gave Revit users a new set of modelling tools to model free form geometry. It opened the door to the Revit community to create all kinds of complex mass families. Even though the revamped mass family editor has been around for two years now, most of its functionality remains shrouded in mystery. There is very little documentation on the mass family editor and this course fills that information void by lifting the veil on the mass family editor by exposing its inner workings. This course will cover the mass family editor basics in the light of why elements behave the way they behave. For example, have you ever wondered why a spline takes a particular path through preselected points or why a form will not be created when three or more lines are selected? The developers have provided answers to these confusing and often frustrating questions. So whether you are completely new to the mass family editor or are a seasoned mass family creator this class is for you. This course teaches the basic building blocks of the mass family editor so attendees are able go back to the office after the class and start to create complex mass families of their very own.

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