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Thread: BO218-2: Un-CAD: The IT Stuff Behind the CAD Stuff

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    Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk University's Avatar
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    Default BO218-2: Un-CAD: The IT Stuff Behind the CAD Stuff

    Instructor: Grant Dott

    Class Description: AU is not generally an IT conference, nor should it be, but all that CAD stuff, and viz stuff, and 3D stuff is still software and it needs some TLC to make it all happen smoothly. More and more, what’s important is the data that the design office produces, and that is the focus of this session. This session is for all those who are tasked with making CAD work. Using the software is for the regular AU attendees—this is about making the design office work, making projects work across multiple locations, the infrastructure required to store drawings and data, how to use the Internet for more than surfing, backing up projects that are spread across different geographies, license servers, and all the rest of the stuff they don’t usually teach you at AU. How many IT managers or CAD managers know if their offices are working correctly and efficiently? What could we all learn from hearing how others have dealt with the issues that we all face? How do Autodesk® products help in workflow processes? Attendees will be invited to share their experiences, trials, and tribulations on what goes on behind the scenes and how to make it all work. The discussions will be about real issues, good and bad, lessons learned, and knowledge gained.
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