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Thread: CM208-4L: Hands-On Migration Using the AutoCAD

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    Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk University's Avatar
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    Default CM208-4L: Hands-On Migration Using the AutoCAD

    Instructors: Bud Schroeder with Lee Ambrosius, Nate Bartley

    Class Description: This step-by-step hands-on class will cover the basics of the CUI (Customize User Interface) and how to migrate your menus to the latest version of AutoCAD®. We will go over MNU and MNS conversion to CUIx and the advantages of using Partial CUIx files for your customization. We will also show how to setup an Enterprise CUIx file and help you decide if that is what you should be using in your office. We will also talk about what is new in the CUIx files compared to the CUI files. You will come away with a better understanding of how CUI works and how to use it to help migrate your customization forward.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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