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Thread: CM3306-1: Windows 7 for Autodesk Users and Developers

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    Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk University's Avatar
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    Default CM3306-1: Windows 7 for Autodesk Users and Developers

    Instructor: Kevin Wittkopf with Sam Rosenbalm

    Class Description: Windows 7 is the new client operating system from Microsoft, and includes a number of exciting new features and capabilities.  This session will provide an overview of Windows 7, with special emphasis on details most relevant to Autodesk users and application developers. It will focus on key Windows 7 enhancements in the areas of performance, user experience, graphics, security, and networking. Also, the session will discuss and demo new “light-up” features such as multi-touch, new taskbar, and enhanced Windows Explorer. Finally, the session will discuss Autodesk efforts around Windows 7, including application compatibility plans, and discuss/demo exciting new Autodesk application developments such as Autodesk Cooper that leverage multi-touch for enhanced user experience.
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