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Thread: Workpoints/planes from circular edge

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  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to Ron Oldenbeuving's Avatar
    Join Date
    Lewiston, South Australia

    Angry Workpoints/planes from circular edge

    Create a revolved part. Now try to create a workpoint in the centre of any of the circular edges. These same edges will measure up as having a diameter, but you cant create a workpoint in its centre? Neither can you create a workplane on those circles, despite the fact a circle is a planar object. These same problems also hold true for elliptical adges. Please, Autodesk, are these new issues?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Workpoints/planes from circular edge

    Mr. Ron,

    I created a revolved part to investigate it. I was able to create a work plane on a planar face or a work point at the center of a planar face. As you reported, I was not able to create a work plane based on the circular edge.

    I found two ways around this. You can create a work plane by selecting the transition point on the profile and then the axis of revolution. Inventor will create a work plane through the point and perpendicular to the axis. You may want to stretch the work plane to make it more visible.

    You can also create a work plane that is perpendicular to the axis at some known location on the part. You can create work planes based on that work plane, using the dimensions from the revolved sketch to define the distance between the planes. If the sketch is visible while you create the work planes, you can simply click on the sketch dimension to assign it to the work plane definition.

  3. #3
    I could stop if I wanted to Ron Oldenbeuving's Avatar
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    Lewiston, South Australia

    Default Re: Workpoints/planes from circular edge

    Thanks Bob. I'll keep those in mind in future, but as you wrote, these are only workarounds, that add extra work where it really shouldnt be necessary.

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