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Thread: SE214-2: Evaluating, Designing, and Creating Design Applications for AutoCAD Revit Structure: You Can Do This!

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    Default SE214-2: Evaluating, Designing, and Creating Design Applications for AutoCAD Revit Structure: You Can Do This!

    Instructor: Mike King

    Class Description: After completing this course, the attendees will have an understanding of how to evaluate a structural design problem for automation. They will be able to create a clear set of steps to problem solution, gather the necessary input data from the Revit model and then produce a solution and display the results. Attendees will also understand the availability of design tables and data from major industry sources for use in automation software. During the lab, attendees will actually build and implement a fully-functioning design application running inside Revit Structure 2010 that they can take back to their workplace and use.
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